The new rifle
Guns and Ammo Warehouse in Manassas, VA is an excellent gun shop. One of my favorite things about it (other than the loads of 1911s, probably about 40+ on display at any given time, and about 20 are some very nice Wilsons, and the free coffee/cokes/donuts, and the nice selection of used rifles) is the "bid wall." The bid wall is a silent auction (think Ebay) where folks put up guns for sale, but one condition of selling is that the starting price has to be pretty good. (I think they use the rule of thumb of less than 2/3 the price of a new one.) Every Saturday at 5, they close the bidwall, and whoever's the high bidder at that point, buys the gun at that price. I make a habit of swinging by there most Saturdays to check out what's for sale, this week I found a mauser that looked like it was one of the same lot of Czech VZ-24 mausers that my two .30-06s came from. The opening price on the bid wall was $100, so I bid, and ended up as the high bidder. The barrel on this one is much shorter and lighter than the aught sixes, and it's chambered in 7mm mauser. I'm not quite sure where the barrel comes from, it's not so much contoured as stepped. Now I'll have to mount a scope and see how she shoots. Watch out bambi.

I think you can shoot centerfire rifle at the NRA range of of 66 and Shooters' Paradise in Woodbridge (done that there before). However, Shooters is only 25 yards, and I think the NRA range is 50. There's Clark Brothers in Warrenton, but it's a ways out, and you have to buy your ammo (or reloading components) there, and their ammo is expensive. I shoot at the Arlington-Fairfax chapter of the Izaak Walton League in Centreville. It's a private range, but membership is only about $125 or so per year. It's definitely the way to go. There's also the Farifax gun club (or something like that) which I've heard is nice, but never gone there.
I you want to check out the Izaak Walton league some time, let me know. (aughtsix --at-- gmail dotcom.) They've got rifle/pistol, (out to 100 yards, but stands only 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards) target archery, field archery, and trap/skeet ranges.
Guns and Ammo is great. And Virginia Arms (about two miles north on 28 from G&A) is pretty darn good, too.
aughtSix, at 9:41 PM
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